Hello Parkwood Family!
Welcome to Parkwood Youth Organization's Intramural Soccer Program.
Get ready for the action and sportsmanship that makes us PARKWOOD PROUD! DIVISIONS:
Lil Vikes U4-U5 Picking daisies at center field? Nope! Standing in one spot with your head in the clouds? Not this time. Our 3–4-year-old Lil Vikes are encouraged by coaches and families to focus on the object of the game... TO HAVE FUN! Players build an awareness and basic skills of the game while developing their ability to share the ball, confidence to take their shot and the endurance to run FOREVER! Players still compete in 5v5 soccer action, but some accommodations and considerations are made.
Vikes U6-U7 This isn’t the Lil Vikes anymore. These players know the basics but are still working on the fundamentals and honing their skills. The shots are harder, the passes crisper and man can they run! Players in this group will focus more on drills and in game lessons to build accuracy and strategy, while developing the focus and enthusiasm that began in the Lil Vikes. Vikings U8- U9 Not quite ready for travel, but competition is fierce. These players are focused on extending what they’ve learned through our program so far and developing more concrete and functional skills to fill any gaps in their game. We all grow differently but this league grows together and builds strong bonds between players, whether they find themselves on travel teams in the future as teammates or opponents. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Registration cost is $75 per child, $65 for each additional sibling registering. All players will receive team shirts. Registration for the Spring Season will open on Saturday, January 11, 2025. Registration will close on Saturday March 1, 2025. Spring Season will run from Sunday April 6th thru Sunday June 1st. Sunday, June 8th Playoffs/Awards
If you are concerned about the registration fee or have questions, please reach out to the Intramural Soccer Director ([email protected]). PYO wants all children to have the opportunity to play and will work with the parents/guardians to make that possible.
PLAYER INFORMATION: Players are responsible for purchasing and wearing shin guards and soccer cleats. Players are also responsible for wearing appropriate soccer attire (Socks, shorts and weather appropriate clothing).
Players should have and bring their own soccer ball to practice. Coaches will have extra soccer balls to use during practices, but we encourage all players to have and bring their own soccer ball. U4/U5 Division - Size 3 soccer ball U6/U7 Division - Size 3 soccer ball. U8/U9 Division - Size 4 soccer ball.
Games will be scheduled for Sunday mornings, usually no earlier than 9am and going until 2/3 pm. The actual schedule will be posted once registration is closed, and the teams have been determined. The younger divisions usually play first in the morning and the schedule will move up to the next division and so on. So, your team's time may change from week to week, but it will be in the same general time frame. Games last roughly 45 minutes - 1 hour. (Depending on the division).
SEASONS: Spring: April thru June Fall: September thru November Winter (Indoor) January thru March
SPECIAL REQUESTS: Intramural Soccer has practices once per week (M-F) at the coach's discretion. Practices are usually held between 6-7pm on the Intramural Fields behind the clubhouse, again at the coach's discretion. Families with specific practice scheduling concerns should include such information during the registration process. You will be asked to select which days you would be available to practice. It is here that you would make your concerns known. Please note that we will make every effort to accommodate your practice night request, but please understand that sometimes it's just not possible. You can also request a certain coach or player that you would like your child to be placed with. These would be found in the Coach Request or Teammate Request fields on the registration.
Some guidelines for the Special Requests: 1). Requesting a specific coach will supersede any other special requests. (For example, if you request that you can't practice on Monday, but you select a coach who practices on Monday then the coach request will override your practice night request.)
2). Requesting a specific player will supersede any special request except for a specific coaching request. (For example, if you request player Billy, and Billy's practice night availability doesn't match yours, then the player request will override your practice night request.)
Teammate requests are not guaranteed but the Child’s/Sibling’s FIRST AND LAST NAMES, that you would want your child paired with are necessary to make the request complete. (John Smith vs. Johnny or "same team as her brother")
3). Requesting just a practice night, (and not selecting any other requests (Coach or Player)), will get your child placed on a team with a coach with the same practice night. We won't know the coaches' availability/preference for a practice night until we are closer to the season start, so we hope that you can be flexible on that point. We do try our best to accommodate the special requests. FIELD LOCATIONS: (Scroll down for field map) Below are the Intramural Field numbers for each Division: U4/U5 Intramural Fields 5-6 U6/U7 Intramural Fields 3-4 U8/U9 Intramural Fields 1-2
FALL SPECIALS: Fall season is the only season where we take pictures. The date will be communicated to your coach once we have it scheduled.
Parkwood Youth Organization's Intramural Soccer Program enrolls over 350 players per season. We pride ourselves on providing a safe and open environment where your children can learn and grow their athletic skills and abilities. We do our utmost to lead by example, respecting each other and displaying good sportsmanship no matter the situation. It is this culture that defines Parkwood Youth Organization.
Remember. Parkwood Youth is a 100% volunteer organization. We don't exist without the help and support of parents/guardians like yourself. So, if you are interested in becoming a part of the culture that is helping shape the future of this country, now is the time. Your time benefits all of our youth. Be sure to like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lilvikespyo/ |