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How to set up your travel team

Detailed Steps on how to set up  your 2022 Travel Soccer Team 

1.    Log onto PYO website 

a.    Create an account if you do not have one currently 

2.    Click “My Account” 

3.    Click “VOLUNTEER”


5.    Search for the correct program

a.    ** Note if you do not see the program right away select “Show More” 

b.    Click Continue

6.    Find your  Teams Age group 

a.    Select “Sign Up” for Head Coach 

b.    Select Continue 

7.    Select “Yes” at prompt to proceed 

8.    Select yourself (should be auto selected) 

a.    Select Continue 

9.    Form : 

a.    Required details 

                                             i.     Legal First Name

                                           ii.     Legal Last Name

                                          iii.     Date of Birth

                                          iv.     Gender

                                           v.     Street

                                          vi.     City

                                         vii.     State

                                       viii.    Zip

                                          ix.     Email Address

                                           x.     Team Name  

b.    Once compete you will be taken to your team page where you can invite players and coaches. 

detailed steps on how to set up yourtravel soccer team.pdf


2020-2021 New Registration Pathway

Click Image for Player Data Sheet

League Information  

ICSL Click
UJSL Click
PAGS Click